CakePHP or Yii: which is the best framework to use

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In general, all PHP frameworks that help in the development of websites and applications are good. Starting from CakePHP, you will find any number of PHP frameworks including Laravel, and Symfony play a significant role in today’s website creation. When the question of selecting the best framework comes, developers will be compelled to do the differentiation between all available frameworks. Thus, we find quite common comparisons such as Laravel vs Yii, or Lavavel vs CakePHP so on. Yii is a PHP web framework which has been developed much later, but it proves to be very efficient in many aspects. Let us compare Yii with CakePHP and identify which one assists programmers to build websites as well as applications having next level possibilities. Being frameworks developed with PHP, both have common traits such MVC design architecture, and ORM so on, hence only distinctive features and functions of both these frameworks are mentioned here. 


Exclusive features  

Cake PHP is a flexible framework, developers can even use it with the latest PHP versions. It has very good code generation coupled with extensible caches. Application scaffolding included in CakePHP is the finest. The in built data recognition, and sanitization help all professional as well as novice CakePHP developers a lot. 


CakePHP has a good set of back end tools that can be used for the creation of models, views as well as controllers. It provides programmers with massive amount of themes, modules and lively extensions. It works under MTT license. When we compare the performance of CakePHP with Yii, we will easily realize that Yii is faster. The even though CakePHP developers can generate codes so rapidly, most of the codes are difficult to read and hard to work with.


Selected features 

One of the most important traits which separate Yii from all other PHP web frameworks is the AJAX integrated widgets. The extensibility of Yii is much better compared to CakePHP. When we take the code generation aspect into consideration, Yii has automated code generation, unlike CakePHP. The documentation of Yii is very much refined. It supports Zend, and API. The security features are one step high than that of in CakePHP. In addition, it has separate cache options to handle errors. 


As mentioned early in this article, Yii exceeds CakePHP in terms of speed. It happens to be an open source which works under the license of BSD. For proper functioning Yii needs PHP 5.3, but CakePHP scores high in this aspect. It can be used with PHP 4 or 5. GII is utilized in the creation of MVC. What makes Yii superior to all other web frameworks is the presence of CRUD methods. A Yii developer can easily perform most of their tasks by calling CRUD methods in Yii.  Unlike CakePHP, Yii can be combined with Jquery.  It is superior when comes to security, as well. 

Bringing it altogether 

Cake PHP excels in community support, and availability of professionals, Yii is developed much later, and has excellent features, and fast performance. But when you take PHP frameworks as a whole, factors like hosting environment, budget to back up, technical know-how of developers, and even requirements of the project may act as the decisive aspect. Selecting a PHP web framework which suits your budget as well imminent need, is advisable at the prime.  



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