What makes Yii a perfect platform to switch from Drupal

When the term “CMS” rings in ears, most of the people familiar with internet technology may think of Drupal. It was such a popular term, and without question one of the finest CMS. Drupal has some excellent capabilities to work with multiple operating systems as well as browsers. Still it is a complex framework,and customization is bit hard. Now the merry days of programming with Drupal are yet to cease. Much refined frameworks like Yii has taken the place of Drupal for its simplified format, improved security, and brilliant documentation. A Yii development company eases up through custom website and application development so swiftly. Web developers find some superior reasons to switch to Yii framework from Drupal, and here are some valid points.

Yii as a framework is developed by including updates done to PHP 5 . It is so well modified that a developer can minimize the use of codes. The functions, modules, and methods used in Yii are so dynamic and purposeful than that offered by Drupal.

If you are developing a website which welcomes a lot of traffic with Drupal, you will have to spend a lot of time. With Yii, the task of website development can be finished within half a time. This platform is loaded with great functionalities that offer web developers plenty of options to save time.

Think that you are a beginner in the field of web development, and then the use of Drupal may seem complicated. The codes included in Drupal are hard ones to cope up with. Pre-set library in Drupal provides developers less features to develop various applications. On the other end, Yii comes with a brilliant collection of pre-loaded tools together with a superb library which even amateur developers can extend as they wish to higher levels.

One of the toughest tasks while working with Drupal is the setting up of databases. Most of the codes that support this task in Drupal are not flexible. Coming to Yii, web developers will find more comfortable mechanisms to handle databases. In terms of security and performance, Yii stands high.

Drupal at large is a pure CMS, not an advanced PHP framework like Yii or Laravel. Hence it lacks modern web creating functions or tools that we can find in Yii.

Drupal can be used for the creation of certain types of websites that are dominantly content driven. Yii is a modified framework which can be tuned to create all types of websites. Even the latest version, Drupal 7 fails to meet the demands of developers as that are fulfilled by Yii.

Reconstruction of websites made with Drupal to Yii is no longer a tedious task. Developers do not have to rewrite a bulk amount of codes. Yii2 is loaded with authentic tools to make the task of web development a fun indeed.



Hi friends! I am jennifer morrison and i am a passionate web developer who likes to share tips and tricks with me.!If you are looking for any yii developers in your next project visit this company.

1 comment:

  1. There is no point to compare a framework with a CMS. Bullshit post
