Boost the working of Yii applications by proper use of caching

Succinctly, of all the PHP framework available now, Yii happens to be the one which is commonly used by web developers throughout the world. A Yii developer, enjoys many virtues to make their web applications extra- ordinary in terms of documentation, as well as performance. In short, caching is one such aspect. Proper management of caching is so easy with a good list of methods that are pre-built in Yii. The significance of caching in Yii framework can be summed up in its ability to allow developers to save static data together with SQL/A lively Record queries. If a developer smartly uses this add-on trait they can improve the loading time of web pages. It aids them to save plenty of time when developing applications. Here we can look into the use of some methods that are pre-built in Yii to aid developers in the apt use of caching. 

Enabling of the Cache Component 

For activating the Cache Component in Yii, developers can directly move to the Components array and include a small line of code. Before that the basic activity of opening your relative Config. File in the system should be done. Just assign the array method to the Cache variable and in that array method include the ‘Class’=> system. Caching.CDb Cache” , after that close the method as per following the conventions. 

By specifying the CDbCache in the code snippet, we make sure that we are utilizing one of the Caching Components available in Yii. Use of CDbCache data will aid developers to save the entire cache data in SQLite. This makes the call back of data somewhat faster, as well as very simple to set up. The latest update of PHP provides developers with another component called CAPcCache, which is basically an APC, a pre-built caching system. It does the same function as CDbCache in an advanced manner. The real beauty of this CCache is that developers can switch between the entire Cache Components by just altering the title of the components mentioned in the codes. They do not have to write in new codes all the time for the improved working of their applications. 

A brilliant set of get() and Set()  

When we consider caching as a concept, the storing of variables becomes very important and get as well as set methods help you to do this. While using this get and set methods, developers need to be very careful in the assigning of values. Make sure that no needless values that cause the performance of functions are included in. Developers need to include uniqueID as parameters for doing Simple Data Caching. Both these functions are created with excellent features that can return false values, even if the function you have called does not exist in the codes. Yii also provide empowered ‘if” and ‘else’ classes for checking certain values are cached or not. In addition to these methods Yii has some more methods to delete the stored cached values to the database as well. Use this code snippet to wipe away a cached value in Yii, Yii::app()->cache->delete($id). There is another very useful method to wipe off all values entered in the cache. For that just add, Yii::app()->cache->flush(). All these methods make simpl
e data caching so easy in Yii. 

Query Caching 

At times, a Yii developer has to deal with applications that make too much use of the database. Query Caching is a data caching system to help developers in this affair. Query Caching start working with the defining of a dependency query. What developers should be aware is that they should call this dependency query first before the function they really need. It offers a great help while executing big queries. If we want the details of certain list of things that get updated most of the times, the use of dependency query will be an added assistance. It will only execute the entire function again, if the new entries are made, otherwise it will immediately return the same values very quickly. 

The SELECT MAX(id) method is one such typical instance of query caching. It enables developers to work with database methods that are consistently updated. The Yii Query builder and the Active record are another caching system supported by Yii to assist users in the concerns of ever changing data. During the execution of these methods Yii will first verify the values returned by the dependency query. If the dependency query is returning any new values, other than the ones stored before, then only it will execute the long codes again, and saves the new values to the cache. If not, it keeps on getting the same list of values from the caches, so rapidly. This system makes the big functions work so smoothly in Yii.  


Before caching, a professional Yii developer always needs to be sure with the storing limit of caching system they make use of. Every caching component we use has certain limitations regarding the data storing in caches, then developers should make sure that their values are well assigned, and effectively cached based on the storage limit they deal with. 


Hi friends! I am jennifer morrison and i am a passionate web developer who likes to share tips and tricks with me.!If you are looking for any yii developers in your next project visit this company.